
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

SLJ- Summer Learning Journey-Emma

Hello people of the interweb and Emma from the summer learning journey.
I am Nathan and I have joined an activity called the summer learning journey to prevent something called the summer slide. A woman named Emma came to talk to us about the summer learning journey. In the summer learning journey you work on blog activitys to get points to earn rewards after the summer holidays. I am trying to do at least 5 activities in this summer learning journey as I am going away so it will be hard to do more. I am really looking forward to sharing my work with others.

I wanted to ask Emma how long the summer learning journey had been running?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I am Malala-Part 2

Reading further and further in the story I have learned how violent the war is. The tvs only have 2 channels the war is endless and loud. Malala and one of her brothers made a system to figure out what kind of fight it is. Malala still goes to school if she can and her favourite subject is physics. She isn't afraid of the war anymore or the gun fire and if gunfire starts she sleeps on the ground next to a bed. I think Malala while get shot soon in the story and her family will be marked for death

Friday, November 1, 2019

Is the Earth FLAT!

Have you ever meet a flat earther? Are you a flat earther? I am not a flat earther and believe the world is round. I have a few questions for any flat earthers. According to flat earthers the sun is one sided but the sun is a star that is made of gas and wouldn't be able to produce a lot of heat if it was one sided.
How do you respond to that.
How does the day and night cycle work?
How do time zones work?
Those are all the questions I have and that's the end of the post.
Is the Earth flat?

In my opinion, the Earth is not….
The Earth is a floating sphere with nature, weather patterns and so much more. The Earth is dying from carbon dioxide and global warming but I am not here to talk about that. Is the Earth a sphere? Is it flat? The most believable theory supported by a lot of evidence is that the Earth is a sphere but some people don’t believe that. Some people believe that the Earth is flat. What side are you on for this argument? 
In my opinion it is not, but I am just a kid with an imagination, lets see what people on the internet say. 

Questions and statements about the Earth.

The day and night cycle would be broken if the Earth was flat, the sun would shine on all the Earth at once and stay there as the sun isn’t one sided. If the Earth was flat would you ever get to the end of the Earth? Would you just fall off the Earth? or would the Earth be Infinite. How do time zones work? Does the sun just stop shining on part of the Earth? How do the planets move? Does the sun move around the Earth? How do we see a solar eclipse or lunar eclipse if the Earth doesn't move into the right place.

Actions taken to prove the Earth is flat.

Flat Earthers planned to travel to Antarctica (the end of the world). The leader of the FEIC (Flat Earth International Conference) Robbie Davidson said “We don’t believe anything can fall off the edge because a big portion of the flat earth community believes that we’re in a dome, like a snow globe.”
Why can’t we see this dome? and how haven’t we touched it?
Robbie Davidson also said “So the Sun, Moon and Stars are all inside. It’s very high but all contained inside. So there’s no way to actually fall off the Earth.”

Actions taken to prove the Earth isn’t flat.

A man named Aristotle who made a lot of observations about the Earth's sphere surface had made an observation during a lunar eclipse. When the Earth's orbit puts it directly between the sun and moon the Earth's shadow is visible on the moon's surface. The man noticed a round shadow on the moon’s surface proving the Earth isn’t flat.

Certain stars can only be seen at a certain time in a certain place. Although if the Earth was flat everyone would be able to see the exact same stars at a different place. If the Earth was a sphere you would have part of your vision of the sky blocked because the planet curves. If the Earth was flat that curve of the Earth would not be there meaning all the stars would be seeable from anywhere. 

The earth isn’t flat in my opinion. The earth could be flat although the amount of evidence and proven facts against the earth being flat is undeniable. To say the earth is flat you would have to have a bunch of evidence but as there is no current evidence of the earth being flat the earth must be declared a sphere.