
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Coraline movie lighting and colours

 Throughout the movie Coraline colour and lighting are used a lot and are used very well. At the start of the movie the real world isn't very coloured. Any colours are cold and dull. Coraline is the only source of colour. The lighting isn't bright at all. Then we are introduced to the other world. The other world has warm colours. Brighter colours and lighting. Coraline doesnt stick out as the only source of colour. The lighting feels welcoming and creates a warm enviroment. The colours are appealing colours like a warm orange and yellow with some red as well. Then the button eyes are introduced. The colours stay the same for a while but soon start to fade and produce darker colours. Dark greens and purples emerge and things get weirder and give an off putting feel. The lighting is more of a neon light and is more in the background rather than sticking out. Then the room the other mother and Coraline are in becomes a web. The only kind of colour are black and white. After the conflict resolves the colours in the real world become more homely. The world isn't as coloured and bright as the other world but compared to the start of the movie the real world is a lot better then before. Coraline doesnt seem the only source of colour anymore and lighting becomes warmer along with the colours. The pink palace seems more pink and alive compared to the dead worn down pink palace. The lighting is also more natural now where as before most colour was artificial. The colours in the other world seems mostly artificial until we reach the garden. The garden is full with colour. At the end of the movie the real world starts to develop that colour. The neighbours also develop some colour which gives off an overall more welcoming feel. 

These are the dead kind of colours. Its all bland and feels cold with only coraline bringing any sense of real colour.

These are the welcoming warm colours when we meet the other mother that makes us feel we are in a homely place.

These are the purple and green neon ish colours after the button eyes are introduced and the garden after the eyes are introduced still with some colour.

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