
Monday, December 7, 2020

Hurumanu 1 Pictionary ( WOPP+)

For Hurumanu 1 we have been working on projects in groups. Me and my group chose the idea of Pictionary. We took the ideas we wrote essays about (water pollution, overpopulation, pollution, lgbtq+) and used them for things to draw. We used all these topics and came up with the name WOPP+. We created cards which we printed and laminated. On each card we wrote 4 things, each thing was a point to a different topic of sustainability. We made 8 different cards meaning 32 different things to draw.  

This was a unique idea which is why we chose this over anything else. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

9Hur2 Science work

Here is my science work around the digestive system. This describes what each part of the digestive system does.

Ingestion is the consumption of a substance by an organism. In animals, it normally is accomplished by taking in a substance through the mouth into the gastrointestinal tract; such as through eating or drinking. In single-celled organisms ingestion takes place by absorbing a substance through the cell membrane.

Egestion- Egestion is the act or process of voiding or discharging undigested food as faeces. To egest means to discharge undigested material or food.

Digestion-Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. In certain organisms, these smaller substances are absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream.

Absorption- Digestion is the chemical breakdown of the ingested food into absorbable molecules. Absorption refers to the movement of nutrients, water and electrolytes from the lumen of the small intestine into the cell, then into the blood.

Teeth- Food is broken down into smaller pieces in the mouth by chewing. This is an example of mechanical digestion. The teeth cut and crush food, and the pieces are mixed with saliva to form a ball of food called a bolus.

Large intestine The large intestine (colon or large bowel) is about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter. The colon absorbs water from wastes

Esophagus Anatomically and functionally, the esophagus is the least complex section of the digestive tube. Its role in digestion is simple: to convey boluses of food from the pharynx to the stomach. The esophagus begins as an extension of the pharynx in the back of the oral cavity.

Stomach The stomach secretes acid and enzymes that digest food. Ridges of muscle tissue called rugae line the stomach. The stomach muscles contract periodically, churning food to enhance digestion. The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass from the stomach to the small intestine

Anus The anus is the opening at the far end of the digestive tract through which stool leaves the body. The anus is formed partly from the surface layers of the body, including the skin, and partly from the intestine. The anus is lined with a continuation of the external skin.

Liver The liver is an organ about the size of a football. It sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen. The liver is essential for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic).

Rectum The rectum is the concluding part of the large intestine that terminates in the anus. The average length of the human rectum may range between 10 and 15 cm. Its diameter can be compared to that of the sigmoid colon (the part of the large intestine nearest the rectum)

Small intestine The small intestine or small bowel is an organ in the gastrointestinal tract where most of the end absorption of nutrients and minerals from food takes place. It lies between the stomach and large intestine, and receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct to aid in digestion.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Coraline Hurumanu 2 Essay

 This is my essay surrounding the character the other mother from Coraline.

Describe at least one way that a character or individual changed in the text. Explain how this change was important to the text as a whole.

Coraline is a movie where a girl named Coraline moves to a house called the pink palace where she has new experiences to deal with. 

The other mother is first introduced to us when Coraline first goes through a door to the other world. The other mother first seems warm, loving and very welcoming to Coraline. She seems amazing and has all the time in the world for Coraline. As we move through the movie the other mother seems mostly the same until 1 night when the other mother, other father, and Coraline are eating food. The other mother says that she has a surprise for Coraline. Because of the way the other mother has been acting it seems that it would be something cool and magical that Coraline will love however the other mother opens a box to show button eyes. Before the button eyes we get eye camera angles to show a balance in power.

This freaks Coraline out and she becomes angered and scared. She instantly runs away and tries whatever she can to escape. The next time we see the other mother she has become more scary and weird. She becomes taller, thinner, and a paler color. The other mother changing like this is what made the action of the movie take place. The other mother causes the final fight to happen and makes the movie require a resolution because the perfect other world isn’t perfect and is trying to consume her. The other mother is the antagonist of the movie and if she wasn’t there then the movie wouldn’t have the other world or a problem that requires a solution. We get a birds-eye view of the pink palace in the other world as it gets destroyed. This makes Coraline look really small and powerless.

The director did a very good job at blending the other mother’s plans with a seemingly friendly character. The other mother seemed calm when Coraline challenged her as to make the other mother seem more powerful than Coraline and to make Coraline seem vulnerable. The director did a very good job with creating a creepy, scary character while also making it so the atmosphere was also just as scary and wasn’t dulled by the other mother’s terrifying form. After the other mother reveals the button eyes the other world becomes more dull and weird. The other father's character starts to become sad and disfigured. They show that the other characters actually have a mind and that that part of the mind is a subconscious only revealed once the other mother becomes evil. The other world is shown to be controlled by the other mother and that the entire world is actually built on sadness that is hidden because of fear. We get shown multiple angles of looking up to the other mother. When her character becomes her scary form she grows taller which as we have to look up to her she seems to get more powerful and we feel weaker. 

Overall Coraline is a pretty good movie. The way the director makes the other mother friendly then turns her evil and can make her seem totally different is incredible. The other mother is the antagonist to the movie and she is a really cool bad guy as she controls the world.

Friday, November 20, 2020

BST Social Event

 Here is my planning for a social event that I worked on with Tobey. 

House party


Lighting, Music, and Security

LED strip lights $75 K-mart

No security

Speaker and Spotify premium


Food n drink

Just Juice tropical fruit QTY 50: $199.5

Coke QTY 50: $124.5

Sour patch kids: Pak n save  $900

Food n drink total: $1224



Pizza hut: Total: $1325.5

Big new yorker:25 $325

Big BBQ bacon:25 $325

Mega meat lovers:25 $400

Triple meat n cheese:25 $275.5



Party bus limousine: $420 to location 

Party bus limousine: $420 from location 

Total: 840



2x Nintendo switch: $1078

2x ps5:1298


Overall total spent: $4948

Surplus: $52

It wasn't very hard to do as we had $5000 to spend. Tobey and I spent a massive amount although we could've made a $0 party.
No sources used other than sites for pricing. Would you come to our party?

Monday, November 16, 2020

Acrostic name poem

 For some blogger activites we were challenged to write an acrostic poem here is mine.

Acrostic poem

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Film Study-Coraline-Challenges chart

We were tasked to write either a challenge chart or Resume for 2 Coraline characters. 

I chose Mrs. Jones and Coraline for the challenge chart.

This is my presentation.

I'm learning about the personality of characters.
Here I show what challenges characters face and how they react to them and what it shows about the character.
I have no wonders surrounding this work.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Discovery task, Down Syndrome (Health)

 For health, we have been working on a discovery task around a topic of our choice that somehow affects our health and wellbeing in any way. I chose to work around down syndrome. How it affected the person with it and the others that lived or had this person in their life. I talk about the complications down syndrome has and the assumptions made about a person with down syndrome. I also talked about the mental health complications down syndrome may have and how society views a person with down syndrome.

Here is my essay I wrote about down syndrome.

Down syndrome is influenced by advanced maternal aging, women over 35 have an

increased chance of having down syndrome children because older eggs have a greater

chance of irregular chromosome division, either gender possessing the genetic translocation

of down syndrome, after the birth of 1 child with down syndrome it becomes higher risk of a

future child having down syndrome as well. 

Possible consequences of having down syndrome are Heart defects, gastrointestinal defects,

immune disorders, sleep apnea, obesity, spinal problems, leukemia, dementia, dental problems,

seizures, ear infections, hearing, and vision inefficiencies.

There is no way to prevent down syndrome however you can visit a genetic health doctor to

discuss the outcome and issues that down syndrome has on a child and to examine the

probability of your child having down syndrome.

A person with down syndrome struggles to learn and has issues with their memory.

They also struggle with their speech and later in life have cognitive issues that relate to

Alzheimer's disease.   

Close family and friends will have to be patient when talking to their friend or family member

with down syndrome as they may struggle to pronounce a word or they speak slowly.

Doing regular activities may take someone with down syndrome longer to

comprehend and actually do so patience has to be required there as well.

It affects anyone who interacts with this person the same way as it does to

family members and close friends in a social aspect.

The spiritual well-being may not be affected and I’ve already noted the social

effects of down syndrome. Physical effects: maybe the extra time it takes them to

perform basic tasks or play sports. Mental health would be similar to the person

without down syndrome however they may have more sudden outbursts and be

more sensitive to things said and acted.

The short and long-term effects of down syndrome are very similar. Things like height can be

affected by down syndrome causing the average male and female to be taller than a person

with down syndrome. 

What is down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that appears when abnormal cell divisions result

in the extra genetic material in the 21st chromosome.

Down syndrome commonly influenced by genetics. If either parent has down syndrome

it becomes more likely for the child to be born with down syndrome.

This has many consequences which range from health issues to slowed

brain growth and body development. The social life of someone with down

syndrome would be affected as they may have struggles forming sentences

or trying to pronounce words or letters. The social life of those with down syndrome

isn’t massively affected. 

The environment they are raised in can massively affect how they interact with others

and their confidence.

It is assumed that only older people have children with down syndrome. It's assumed

that a person with down syndrome will ruin a marriage or relationship. It’s assumed a

person with down syndrome has negative effects on family members such as siblings,

parents, or anyone, family member or not that is with a person with down syndrome a lot.

People think that someone with down syndrome is destined to die young.
Parents, caregivers, a medical assistant or professional, siblings, friends are all

involved in taking care of a person with down syndrome.  

A person with down syndrome may have slowed brain development. Motor skills may be

slowed. The process of learning how to drive may take longer than the average person.

A person with down syndrome may have memory, speech, and learning struggles and the

increased chance of cognitive problems such as Alzheimer’s disease also apply to a person

with down syndrome. 

To look after someone with down syndrome they must be in an environment where they are

free to learn and socialize safely. Try to keep them occupied and doing something to increase

brain use and development. Try to keep them learning as much and as often as possible.

Here are some strategies about how to take care of someone with down syndrome.

Allowing the person to socialize without judgement

This will help the mental and social

wellbeing of the person

Give this person the ability to learn at a slower rate

This could help all 4 areas of

wellbeing. They could learn how to

play sports or basic math or literacy.

They could learn about a religion or

something they want to or do

believe in and this could keep them

occupied and happy

Provide any other support the person may need

That could help with any

learning, physical activity or

relieving their stress. It could

help all areas of wellbeing.

Finding the information wasn't extremely hard however writing it and trying not to repeat the same thing proved a challenge. I tried to keep finding new sources that could give me new information. I worked pretty well with this task but at times there was so much info to take in. Next time I plan to take it a bit slower and focus on 1 thing at a time to get it done to the best quality. I am proud of the information at the start of the essay as it doesn't repeat itself and has a good description. 



Budgeting meal


We were tasked to make a meal for 4 people that has 2 veggies and is delicious and nutritious.

Me and Tobey made:

Bacon: Pak n Save: Pams Streaky Bacon 250g

$4 99

Pasta: PaknsaveValue Dry Penne Pasta 500g $0.94

Pams Broccoli & Cauliflower Mixed Veggies 650g: $3.99

Mediterranean Basil Pesto & Cashews & Parmesan Chunky Dip 135g: $3.89

Total: $13.81

Monday, November 9, 2020

Hurumanu 1 sustainability Essay

 Here is my essay on overpopulation regarding sustainability work.


Overpopulation is a problem throughout the world.

There many issues under the problem of overpopulation.

We require a solution to this problem and we need it quickly.

If we don’t act on it, our earth and our existence could be destroyed. This is why:

More people cause more use of resources.

It causes meat to be in higher demand which means animals would be bred more and those animals

release methane into the air.

Methane is a gas that is harmful to the earth's atmosphere, it is worse than carbon dioxide by a lot.

We also have a higher demand for other resources.

China has a 1 child law which only allows families to have 1 child to slow down this issue.

Habitats get destroyed for land and areas for humans to use. We forget about any living animals

and their homes. 

The higher the population the more motorized vehicles we use. These vehicles are bad for the environment and the more people there are, the more cars we use.

We also have to think about the manufacturing of these cars.

As our population grows we must also make more space to create these ways of transport and area

to use the transport. The use of vehicles produces around 20% of New Zealand's greenhouse gases

each year.

There is also the issue that if we switch to electric cars industries that sell some type of gas could

go out of business affecting the economy. 

There is also the creation of homes and buildings made of wood or structured by wood.

We have to cut down trees to get this wood and less trees means the destruction of habitats.

Trees also use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen so they help to reduce carbon emissions.

Trees are also used to make paper and money.

As money is our currency we need a lot of it to keep a stable economy for all 7.8 billion people.

We need trees to live and so do animals. 

So we need to start fixing this problem.

This problem could kill us, animals and the planet.

Overpopulation will use all our resources before we can make or find sustainable replacements.

We need to act on this problem and we need to act now before the population grows too large

and earth has no resources or space to sustain everyone.

Finding or creating more sustainable practices and creating zoned areas for certain things

and not going past those areas may help.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

DTE sphero project

DTE Sphero Project

We were tasked to make an activity or presentation using sphero.

For a few weeks in my DTE class we have been working with sphero to create some type or presentation. My group worked around space and planets. 

I worked on the code and some of the paper. Levi and Camryn did the rest of the work on the paper. I learnt how to create a working code and how to make a sphero go around in a circle. I spent some time researching about a few planets so that I could add information for the code to read and say. I worked around the 3 closest planets to the sun: Mercury, Venus and Earth. I scaled the planets as well however there was no paper to fit it all in. We created 2D planets on paper and made it pleasing to the eye. The sphero would roll around the planets and then stop and give information about the planets.  I learnt about not only the plantes we wrote about but also how to code a sphero with a specific order with added delay.

I found it diffucult writing the code and figuring out how to make sure the sphero will always roll exactly along the line its meant to. 

What our project was meant to resemble. Colours weren't meant to match.


Coraline Timeline:

a  Here is a blog about the timeline of Coraline

I learned how to make a freytag's pyramid and enjoyed doing that.
Here I created a freytag's pyramid to show my learning.
I have no wonders about my work but am curious how I could improve it.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Budgeting Guide (business studies)

Today my business studies class was tasked to either make a screencastify or budgeting guide. I made the budgeting guide to explain what budgeting is and main things to keep in mind.

I made this piktochart to show my work.
I wasn't extremly difficult to make this however thinking of things to keep in kind was a bit challenging. I had the words and knowledge to write it however putting it into text that was readable is what I struggled with. I managed to do it in the end though.  
I used no other resources for this research. 
Have you made a budget before?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Coraline movie lighting and colours

 Throughout the movie Coraline colour and lighting are used a lot and are used very well. At the start of the movie the real world isn't very coloured. Any colours are cold and dull. Coraline is the only source of colour. The lighting isn't bright at all. Then we are introduced to the other world. The other world has warm colours. Brighter colours and lighting. Coraline doesnt stick out as the only source of colour. The lighting feels welcoming and creates a warm enviroment. The colours are appealing colours like a warm orange and yellow with some red as well. Then the button eyes are introduced. The colours stay the same for a while but soon start to fade and produce darker colours. Dark greens and purples emerge and things get weirder and give an off putting feel. The lighting is more of a neon light and is more in the background rather than sticking out. Then the room the other mother and Coraline are in becomes a web. The only kind of colour are black and white. After the conflict resolves the colours in the real world become more homely. The world isn't as coloured and bright as the other world but compared to the start of the movie the real world is a lot better then before. Coraline doesnt seem the only source of colour anymore and lighting becomes warmer along with the colours. The pink palace seems more pink and alive compared to the dead worn down pink palace. The lighting is also more natural now where as before most colour was artificial. The colours in the other world seems mostly artificial until we reach the garden. The garden is full with colour. At the end of the movie the real world starts to develop that colour. The neighbours also develop some colour which gives off an overall more welcoming feel. 

These are the dead kind of colours. Its all bland and feels cold with only coraline bringing any sense of real colour.

These are the welcoming warm colours when we meet the other mother that makes us feel we are in a homely place.

These are the purple and green neon ish colours after the button eyes are introduced and the garden after the eyes are introduced still with some colour.

Leader qualities

The year 9s and I in Riroriro Kahui have been learning about the qualities a leader has. They have many qualities that help them in all different ways. A leader can gain followers, keep those followers and support them. Support them by listening to them, giving them assitance or advice, and taking action when things need to be done. 

An Acrostic poem I wrote about leader qualities:

L. Listens to others. 

E. Empathetic.

A. Assertive.

D. Dependable.

E. Eager.

R. Respectful.

Leaders listen to others, are empathetic toward others and take in mind how they feel. They have the confidence to stand up and do something and have input in a matter They are reliable and can be depended on when others need help or to do their own work, they are eager to help others, do their work and face a challenge. Lastly they are respectful toward others beliefs, property, emotions and wellbeing. 

Here is a video of me explaining my ideas on what some of a leaders qualities are:

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Budgeting langauge dictionary (business studies)

 We have been set a task to either make a crossword or dictionary about words realting to budgeting. The words budget, surplus, deficit, spend, savings, wants, needs, income, finance, price, fees, necessity, exchange.

Budget: An estiamtion on how much will be spent and recieved over a set time. Often used as a word to describe a set amount of money a person or business has.

Surplus: A surplus is when a requirement has been met and there is still left over resources or funds. Having left over resources when your task is completed. 

Deficit: A deficit is when you have to little of a resource or not enough funds. The deficit is the amount of how small this amount is.

Spend: Spending is a form of getting rid of something and receiving another. Spending is often said when you buy something with money.

Savings: Savings is maintaing money and spending as little or less then needed. Maintaning money or a resource that doesn't need to be spent. 

Wants: A want is something that isn't necessary to live but makes life easier or more enjoyable to a person or people. Its an item or service you can live without.

Needs: Needs are necessary to keep yourself alive and healthy enough to live life until age, an uncontrable disease or incident.

Income: How much you earn from a service or job you put in effort to work on. This could be recieving money or another form of pay.

Finance: Finance is managing an amount of money usually a large amount. Usually used with a governments or large companys use of money.

Price: The cost of an item or service. The amount of money or a resource spent to obtain another product or service.

Fees: Any expense enforced by government or a provider. An amount paid to a professional person.

I used google for some of this research.

It was interesting seeing what google said vs what i thought.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hurumanu 2 SEXXXY paragraph work

 Coraline SEXXY paragraphs

There is a scene in Coraline where a doll is looking at Coraline. Coraline is unaware of it and we are given an angle in which the camera is tilted to show we are looking through the doll's perspective. We are in the real world for this scene. Coraline seems confused and she is looking for something. She is made to seem concerned and stressed. The director has this shot to give that odd feeling filled with concern. 

Another scene has coraline sitting at a table with the other mother and other father. We have a wide shot showing them all praying around the table. The general atmosphere seems calm and warming by this angle and how the lighting is used. There isn’t a sense of imbalance of power and there seems to be no form of anger or aggression or ignorance. This is done to keep the other world calm and welcoming before we learn about the other mother. This shot can be used for multiple reasons in this shot it’s welcoming.

Another shot has a close up on the other mother. This shot really signifies suspense. We see the other mothers' aggression appear now. We are made to like Coraline is in danger and that this is the climax of the movie. This is where the suspense ends and starts the real action. The lighting makes the other mother stand out and blurs the background so that she sticks out even more.