
Thursday, August 29, 2019


Monday and today have been less eventful then last week. We still did a lot of work. Monday started off with some filling out a document in our groups. This document had questions and statements telling us what do. We have chosen a sport to work on and teach the rest of the class. The sport we will be teaching is bench ball. We needed to do 1 warm up which had to last at least 5 minutes. Our warm up had us doing lunges, star jumps and jogging up and down the court. We have also thought of drills that can relate to the sport we have chosen.

The 2 drills as weird as they are is piggy in the middle to work on our interception skills and the second was sneak up on granny because we could get passed the ball and have to stop randomly.

We also had an interpersonal skill we needed ours was effective communication.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

P.E Hurumanu

On Monday and today the classes Bh and Tz did some P.E test. I believe that we do fitness testing to test ourselves and see what we are capable of. We did 5 different activities each testing different parts of our body. We also had teams in those teams we made names our name was french fries.

 One of the activites are called the sit and reach. The point of this activity is to see how far you reach. There is a wooden board that you would push along a tape measure to see how far you reach. I reached 23cm.

We did sit ups to see how many we could do for 30 seconds. I could have done a lot more but had a pain randomly so I got the score of 7. Which sucked.

There was another activity called a grip test. We had an object we had to squeeze together. I got the highest score in my team with the score of 4.

Another activity was the vertical jump. I started stand straight reaching 2 meters. When I jumped I reached 2.4 meters which is pretty high

Lastly today we did a beep test. We had to run back and fourth in a small area to see many laps we could do.
Each time we had less time so we had to speed up. I got a score of 8.9 (8 levels and nine stages)

I need to improve on my sit ups by doing more of them. "a lot more".
I don't think when doing this my actions affect others. I think me sometimes doing better than them gave them more challenge to beat me next time.

When someone started struggling I cheered them on and told them to do their best.
"Or my best".

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

All blacks

Today we were Working on stuff surrounding the all blacks. I Learnt that people like Beauden Barrett make 1 million dollars a year.

I had this document to fill out which i did.