
Friday, October 25, 2019

Digi Tech

I have been working on a project for my digital tech class. I had a problem that I had to make something about. My problem is an ethical issue and the issue is wether people should replace their body for robot parts or not. I created a pick a oath story on scratch to shownthis issue nand show why in my opinion it is a bad idea.

My pick a path is going well and is nearly finished. Trying to manage how it works and the coding is sometimes hard but it can be very easy. It was hard to make at the start as I didn't know how to use scratch but after getting used to how it works it was easy to do.

If I was to change anything about how I worked on this project and what the project was I would try and work with someone as I ran out of ideas very quickly and it took me a while to think of what to make.
I would also use a different site instead of scratch as it limits you a lot as its a coding site not and item adding site. I would probbaly use the site gamefroot as I saw a lot of people use it and it looked very fun to use.3

Thursday, October 24, 2019

P.E Hurumanu

Today we have finished our student sport teaching thing. We have just finshed our basketballl session and it was super fun.

My teams session of benchball was very sucssesful in my opinion espically our big game of year 7's vs year 8s. I helped my team do our warm ups and drills to get ready for the regular game. If I could change anything in our session of teaching I would change our drills to something more sporty than piggy in the middle. I was thinking a drill that included passing around a player. When watching others playing I learnt that playing with very little players isn't fun and to many players can cause injuries easily.